Acne Treatment Beta Plus FACIAL SCRUB


Facial scrub designed to be soft and easy on the skin, containing complete formula that facilitates exfoliation to prevent clogged pores which would otherwise cause acne growth. Other benefits include sebum control and anti-inflammatory agent.

Facial scrub designed to be soft and easy on the skin, containing complete formula that facilitates exfoliation to prevent clogged pores which would otherwise cause acne growth. Other benefits include sebum control and anti-inflammatory agent.


  • SALICYLIC ACID, SULFUR & ZINC GLUCONATE as Exfoliating Agent, Keratolytic Agent, Astringent. Gently removes dirt and dead skin cells to prevent clogging of pore ducts, cleans and controls excess oil (Sebum Control).
  • ZINC GLUCONATE as anti-inflammatory and anti-irritation agent to soothe redness.
Usage Instructions:
  • Soak your face thoroughly with water
  • Gently spread facial scrub on cheeks, moving outward in circling motion and slowly cover your entire face.
  • Gently massage your face thoroughly for 1 minute or more
  • Rinse and thoroughly dry your face; prevent excessive pressure or friction while rubbing